



题:Competitive Pursuit of Targetability with Privacy Intrusions


间: 2018113 10:00-11:30


主讲人简介:李长英,山东大学伟德体育官网教授。先后毕业于山东大学经济学硕士、美国科罗拉多大学经济学博士。主要研究方向是国际经济学、产业组织理论和微观经济理论,多年来致力于跟踪世界前沿研究,论文发表在Journal of International Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, EconomicModelling, The Singapore Economic Review, 《世界经济》、《南开学报》、《数量经济技术经济研究》和《经济科学》等杂志上。是国际著名经济学杂志Journal of Public EconomicsJournal of Economics and Management Strategy Economic Modelling的匿名审稿人。


论文摘要:This paper proposes a framework in which two platforms compete to improve their targetability, which sensitizes consumers to privacy concern and leads them to resist ads. We analyze the impact of consumer privacy on competitive pursuit of targetability by the platforms. We find that, underpay-TV, equilibrium targetability is lower than the social optimum. The improvement in targetability hurts platforms but benefits consumers. Under free-to-air, equilibrium targetabilityis too high (low) if consumers are more (less) privacy-sensitive, increased targetability might benefit both platforms and consumers. In addition, privacy regulation reduces targeting accuracy through the increase in the cost of improving targetability and therefore might make consumers worse off. Our findings contribute to the business strategy of platforms and offer insights to the assessment of the regulatory debate on consumer privacy.