


经济中南Seminar18期由西密歇根大学终身职教授C. James Hueng和伟德体育官网副教授吴珊珊主讲,主要内容如下:

题:Concentration of Industrial Pollution in China

主讲人:C. James Hueng, 吴姗姗

间:201956 19:00-20:30


主讲人简介:洪教授为西密歇根大学终身职教授,博士班导师,已指导过23位博士生。目前发表了三十篇国际学术论文,包括著名领域期刊如Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics, 以及区域期刊如Southern Economics JournalChina Economic ReviewJapan and World Economy。已为超过三十个国际期刊担任审委评审超过一百篇论文,包括顶尖经济期刊如American Economic Review,目前担任Atlantic Economic Journal的编辑委员。2010年获得富布莱特奖学金担任台湾大学高等人文社会科学研究院访问学者,2017年获得富布莱特奖学金担任伟德体育官网访问学者。

主讲内容:We pioneer the application of the Theil index, a statistic primarily used to measure economic inequality or racial segregation, to studying the concentration of local pollutants.  While most discussions are on reducing the level of pollution, our goal is to investigate the effect of China’s development strategies on the distribution of pollution.  Decomposition of the index into the between-region and within-region concentrations provides a unique policy evaluation for China.  We find that while the within-region and between-region imbalances of industrial output have both been reduced, the speed of diversion of pollution does not follow.  There is not much between-region movement of pollution over time.  Most changes are within-region.