我院何适副教授合作论文在《Economic Systems》和《Review of International Economics》上在线发表


近期我院教师何适副教授研究成果“FDI forward spillover effects in emerging markets: A comparative meta-analysis of China and Eastern Europe”和“RMB misalignment: What does a meta‐analysis tell us?”分别在《Economic Systems》和《Review of International Economics》上在线发表。

摘要1Using two unique datasets of 530 forward estimates from 19 studies on China and 942 forward estimates from 28 studies on Eastern European transition economies, this paper quantitatively analyzes foreign direct investment forward spillover effects, accounting for various biases and firm attributes in existing empirical results with a meta-regression analysis. We find that aggregation bias, misspecification bias, endogeneity bias (including simultaneity bias and omitted-variable bias), publication bias, and firm attributes contribute to the sources of heterogeneity in forward spillover estimates; and the preferred forward spillover effects are positive but insignificant. It is also interesting to find that the preferred forward spillover effect is likely to be much larger in Eastern European transition economies than in China.

摘要2Using a dataset of 3108 dichotomous renminbi (RMB) misalignment estimates from 95 studies, we conduct a meta-analysis based on Bayesian model averaging (BMA) to assess the effects of study characteristics on these RMB misalignment estimates. The findings demonstrate that selected study characteristic types systematically influence RMB misalignment estimates, especially time series Vs non-time series approach and cointegration Vs non-cointegration. Though lean towards RMB undervaluation inference, results from the BMA meta-analysis and the corresponding median probability model and synthetic practice evaluation do not offer a conclusive statistical inference on RMB misalignment. Specifically, the evidence varies with the configuration of model specification and does not corroborate the RMB undervaluation claim for the periods of “2009–2010” and “2011–2014.”


Economic Systems》是国际知名期刊之一,期刊近五年平均影响因子3.131

Review of International Economics》是国际经济学领域顶尖期刊之一,主要专注于国际经济学及其相关领域高水平前沿研究,在学界有着较大影响力,吸引着国际主流经济系中众多一流乃至顶级经济学家投稿。


何适,伟德体育官网副教授、硕士生导师,博士毕业于华中科技大学和香港城市大学。主要研究方向为国际金融、世界经济、发展经济学等,以第一或通讯作者身份在Review of International EconomicsFinance Research LettersEmerging Markets Finance and TradeEconomic Systems等国内外知名期刊发表相关学术论文数十篇。主持教育部人文社科青年基金及其他重要课题多项。荣获麦克法登—林少宫奖和第十七届“张培刚优秀博士论文奖”。